Funny Note On A Bus

Driving to work today and unfortunately got stuck behind a school bus. On the back window was a sign that read “This bus has been checked for and cleared of sleeping children”. Now honestly please don’t tell me they do this every time the school bus comes back to the shop at the end of the day. Like you really had to make a policy to check the bus and make the drivers put up a sign showing they did it and there were no left over kids? Why in the hell is that even necessary, like you don’t know if there are kids left? How horrible of a bus driver are you that you don’t check the bus by normal instinct before you even roll up into the shop to end your day. Isn’t there a log of how many kids you are to pick up and drop off? It seems to me they know exactly what house to stop at on the road, so they must be able to tell how many to drop off and I would hope they could at least count. Oh well whatever, I got a good chuckle out of it and figured I would share.

2 thoughts to “Funny Note On A Bus”

  1. You will see in a few years! I’ve had the bus drive past me and never pick up or drop off the kids, and also take off while the kids were still walking to their seats. Last year they sent a little bus to pick up during regents, and there were not enough seats, so Greggy had to stand all the way home. First day of kindergarten, my little cousin never got off the bus at the school, he made it all the way to the next school before they realized and brought him back!

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