Verizon Palm Treo 700wx Update 1.24

This weekend I installed the latest update for my Palm Treo 700wx. I recently had to hard reset the phone back to factory defaults because I lost my picture messaging account. I remembered there was a 1.22 update months ago that I did, so I logged on the Palm site to download it again. Wee to my surprise there was a new 1.24 update that came out in December.

Now I love my Treo, but I also hate it. There were many things that irritated me about it. Once I saw that this update upgraded me from Windows Mobile 5 to 6 I was like a kid in a candy store. I said to myself “I bet they fixed a whole bunch of stuff I hated”. I actually was right for once, they fixed many things indeed. I like how there is even an option to do Windows Updates right on your phone!

The update to Windows Mobile 6 has made my email not lock up the whole phone while it was syncing, internet browser now displays pages better. Programs seem to run smoother, it has the new look of Vista without the performance loss (can’t they do that on the desktops too?), and they made solitaire look prettier!!! They also expanded what types of Office files it could open, and updated it to be compatible with Office 2007.

There was one thing that I did not like at all, which actually was pretty vital to me. They removed Terminal Serivces (Remote Desktop). I used that all the time to get on servers during emergencies while I was off watching a soccer game or at the mall or something. I dug deep into this wondering why Microsoft would get rid of that technology. I found out Microsoft made it one of those optional components for the cell phone providers, and that almost all providers chose not to add it to the phones. Big mistake I would say, there are many, many people not happy with this. Luckily I found something that places terminal services back on your phone, and is updated to work with Vista/Server 2008 computers too. You can obtain the download here.

2 thoughts to “Verizon Palm Treo 700wx Update 1.24”

  1. I need the 1.24 updater for the treo 700wx, palm doesn’t have it anymore, do you still have it and the 1.22 updater laying around anywhere?

  2. Sorry I just checked and I don’t have the update anymore. What I would do is give Palm a call, they might be able to just give it to you. Could try your luck with Verizon or whoever your carrier is too.

    Good luck!

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