Download Day 2008

Mozilla will eventually be launching the awaited Firefox 3. There is already tons of hype about it everywhere.

Mozilla is taking this to the extreme and setting the precedent for a new category in the Guinness World Records. They want everyone to download it on the first day it comes out. Their download logs will be picked apart by Mozilla and Guinness and the record will be set for anyone else to try and break from that point on.

When Firefox 2 came out, there were 1.6 millions downloads in the first 24 hours. Let’s help make 3 even more.

Go to or either of the buttons below and pledge!! They’ll even remind you to download it when it is released, which the date hasn’t been made public yet. You know you’re going to download it anyway, so pledge and help keep America #1 on the pledge list!

Don’t cheat and download it many times, let’s all be a part of a legitimate World Record.

Download Day 2008Download Day 2008